The Rocky Point Rally
The Rocky Point Rally October 15 at Rhodes on the Pawtuxet, Cranston, was a rousing success. Some 600 enjoyed video scenes of the property and reminiscences of the amusement park’s heyday, browsed memorabilia, heard DEM director Michael Sullivan’s vision of the future and members of the Rocky Point Foundation, the Head of the Bay Gateway Committee (Shooters), and the Fort Adams Trust explain the importance of question #4 on the November 2 ballot for future public access to the Narragansett Bay shoreline. Arlene Violet, former Attorney General and WPRO talk show host, orchestrated the program. The audience enthusiastically responded, waving “SaveOurShore Vote Yes on #4” lawn signs (which they later took home for their lawns). Clam cakes and chowder, popcorn and Rocky Point ice cream, generously donated by the Warwick Ice Cream company, were enjoyed by all.
New Board member and Treasurer
Jane Austin, a senior policy analyst with Save The Bay, has joined the Foundation’s board, and Clifford J. Deck, CPA, CFP, PFS has come aboard as Treasurer (details here).