Rocky Point goes to a vote

Rocky Point bond will be put to voters in November

The House today voted to put on next November’s ballot a referendum question for a $14.7 million open space and recreation. Approval by the voters “will authorize the State of Rhode Island to issue general obligation bonds, refunding bonds and temporary notes in an amount not to exceed ten million dollars ($10,000,000) for the purpose of acquiring title to all or a portion of land in and around the former Rocky Point Park for the purpose of establishing the same as a public park,” also funds for acquiring the former Shooters property in Providence and making improvements at Fort Adams in Newport.

Another chance to revisit Rocky Point and show support for creating a public park there

On Sunday, June 6, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Warwick Mayor Scott Avedisian has arranged to open the gate on Rocky Point Avenue so the public can drive or walk through the city-owned land along the shoreline. Rain or shine. Four hours should improve traffic flow and allow everyone a chance to enjoy the view and show their support. Foundation officers and volunteers will be on hand for discussions, to sign up more Friends, and to accept donations — $25 for a Rocky Point T-shirt. You can also pick up a bumper sticker. The Warwick Neck Improvement Association will offer its Warwick Neck book that includes nearly 50 pages on Rocky Point, including many rare photos. 


The Rocky Point Rally


Here is the latest Rocky Point news