Scott Avedisian, Warwick Mayor

Rocky Point has a long and unique history here in Rhode Island. For over a century, it was a place where people gathered to enjoy nature's beauty and the company of family and friends. Its sweeping views of Narragansett Bay make Rocky Point one of the jewels of the Ocean State. We are delighted to have secured 41 acres and a full mile of unobstructed coastline for current and future generations of Rhode Islanders. I am committed to preserving Rocky Point for its environmental value, for its historical significance and for the many people of this state who hold Rocky Point dear in their hearts. I am now working diligently with the Rocky Point Foundation, the Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management and others to acquire additional land to make this the Colt State Park of the West Bay.

Scott Avedisian, Warwick Mayor


Karen, Cranston, RI


Joshua DeAngelis, Providence, RI